Kids CAN Eat Free ... of gluten, dairy and nuts!
· Are you or someone in your life gluten-free? Dairy-free? Nut-free?
· Feel like your food choices are limited?
· Want your kids to have fun in the kitchen and discover nutritious foods they'll love?
Kids Eat Free is for you!
In this book, you and your kids will learn how to make over 50 ALLERGY-FRIENDLY, ROCKIN’ GOOD RECIPES that the whole family will enjoy.
No need to miss out on your favorites or feel deprived. You’ll find everything from smoothies and frittata muffins to mac n’ cheese and chocolate cake!
All recipes are free of gluten, dairy, and many other allergens.

As a gluten-free life coach, Kids Eat Free is going to be my go-to resource for kid-tested and approved allergy-friendly recipes. It's rare to find cookbooks that appeal to both children and adults with food sensitivities and are healthy for them too! Kids Eat Free recipes are both delicious and healthy. And as someone who has celiac and severe peanut allergies, it's comforting for me to know that every recipe in this book is safe for me to eat. Rather than having to spend a lot of time going over all the ingredients, I can simply flip through the beautiful photos and pick a recipe that appeals to me. Many of which were my favorites as a child. Stephanie Policar is a genius in the kitchen, and I'm excited to try every recipe in this cookbook!
- Janelle Holden, The Gluten-Free Life Coach
Stephanie Policar demystifies cooking with easy to follow recipes that are fun for kids. Kids Eat Free gets families with allergies back in the kitchen to start new traditions around the stovetop.
- Greg Conner, Founder, Eat Local
Even for a family who has no allergies, Kids Eat Free is a fantastic resource. The beautiful photographs inspire my children to engage in meal planning and preparation. Stephanie Policar's recipes and tips promote healthy eating habits for the entire family. Stephanie's expertise in the field of nutrition and her insights as a mother are reflected throughout Kids Eat Free.
-Neysa Koury, Certified Physician’s Assistant and mother of two
Stephanie Policar has successfully taken the fear and mystery out of cooking for those with food alleriges. Whether or not you must avoid certain foods, this book is filled with resources for thoughtful hosting, party food, packing lunches, desserts, and all coming from a woman whose family must avoid nuts, gluten, and dairy. Kids Eat Free is also the perfect book for the person who finds out they have food allergies or sensitivities, and the first questions is “Wow. What can I eat?
-Stacya Shephard Silverman, owner Stacya Silverman Gallery